Thoughts On Collaboration From Henry Rael

Since the adoption of our current strategic plan in 2019, the McCune Foundation has remained committed to investing a meaningful portion of its resources in collaborative funding with other Foundations. We remain focused on opportunities that: a) follow the lead of the community; b) support collaborative work with flexible, multiyear, unrestricted funding; and c) support the development of structures that …

A Warm Hello From Carla Romero!

Dear Friends and Partners, Welcome to our new website. The new site comes at a time of great change in our world and at the Foundation. It was bittersweet to say goodbye to Wendy Lewis, our former Executive Director, as she stepped down after over ten years as our leader. We wish her well as she sets off on her …

An Announcement from Wendy Lewis

Dear Partners and Stakeholders, With a mix of both excitement and sadness, I want to share some news with you: In April of this year, I notified our Board of Directors that I would be stepping down as Executive Director of the McCune Foundation as of August 31, 2020. It has been an honor to serve as McCune’s ED and …

New Mexico Collaborative Zone Grant

The “New Mexico Collaborative Zone Grant” (“Zone Grant”) is an opportunity for collaborations of organizations and other entities to apply together for flexible funding from multiple local and national foundations to develop, prove, and support innovative responses to New Mexico’s challenges that extend beyond the mission of any single organization. In the past, the Zone Grant has included  a one-year …