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Connect With Us

The McCune Charitable Foundation strives to provide multiple points of entry for non-profit organizations and community advocates to be in conversation with Foundation staff, as well as with each other.

Decorative Element

Questions about Applying For a Grant

    • Please call our office at 505.983.8300 or email The Foundation's summer office schedule - with the exception of holidays - is Monday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

    • Regarding the annual open application cycle for 2025 funding, August 15 - September 15, 2024 5 p.m. MDT, Apply ,staff will be available to assist callers with their application-focused questions during the following Open Call, 505.983.8300, dates/times (all times are Mountain Daylight Savings Time): Tuesday, August 27, 2024, 2 to 3:30 p.m.; Tuesday, September 3, 2024, 2 to 3:30 p.m.; Tuesday September 10, 2024, 1 to 3 p.m.

Introductory Roundtables

        • Small, informal group conversations for organizations wishing to introduce themselves or refresh their relationship with the Foundation, as well as meet others working in the sector. We host these meetings virtually so that we can be accessible to organizations throughout the state of New Mexico.

        • Rather than a traditional “pitch” meeting, our intention is to create a space to share ideas, discoveries and challenges as we get to know one another.

        • We hope participants will leave not only with a better understanding of our work, but also with new connections to others in the sector. To get a sense of of what an Introductory Roundtable is like, click here to see the format outline.

        • These virtual gatherings are intended for those organizations working in New Mexico who have never applied for funding from McCune and want to learn more, or former grantees who are not currently funded but would like to re-connect to share new developments in their work.

        • If your organization has never been funded, or is not currently a recipient of McCune funding, and you would like to sign up to participate in an Introductory Roundtable with us this year, please see below for available dates and times.

        •  May 16, 2024,  10 AM - noon MDT  [registration full]                  

           June 13, 2024,  10 AM - noon MDT   [registration full]                                              

           July 11, 2024,  10 AM - noon MDT  [registration full] 

           August 8, 2024,  10 AM - noon MDT   [registration full]

           August 22, 2024,  10 AM - noon MDT  [registration full]

           September 5, 2024, 10 AM - noon MDT [registration full]                                         

    Other Inquiries

        • If you would like to request a one-on-one conversation with a McCune staff member, please complete the following form here.

        All information presented is subject to change at the discretion of the McCune staff and will be updated on a regular basis.

      More Information on the Foundation’s Grantmaking

      More Information on the Foundation’s Grantmaking

      Grant Eligibility

      Grant Eligibility

      The McCune Charitable Foundation supports community-based work in the State of New Mexico that aligns with our nine Foundation Priorities and their corresponding Leverage Points. The best fit for our funding are organizations that work collaboratively across our priority areas to support community well-being and create long term impact, and whose leadership and expertise come from those who are closest to and most affected by the organization's work.

      The McCune Charitable Foundation is dedicated to enriching the health, education, environment, cultural and spiritual lives of New Mexicans. Details of the various open application grant opportunities are detailed below. All grants will be unrestricted, general operating grants and must benefit New Mexicans. Organizations can apply for only one grant per year, regardless of category.

      The Marshall L. and Perrine D. McCune Charitable Foundation is dedicated to enriching the health, education, environment, cultural, and spiritual life of New Mexicans. The Foundation memorializes its benefactors through proactive grantmaking that seeks to foster positive social change.

      Decorative Element

      Eligibility Guide

      Determining Eligibility

      The McCune Charitable Foundation accepts online applications for community-based projects in the State of New Mexico related to our nine Foundation Priorities. Grants can be awarded to qualified 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations, federally-recognized Native American tribes, public schools, and governmental agencies. Grants cannot be made to individuals.

      What We Do Not Fund:

      The McCune Charitable Foundation is currently funding a portfolio of work structured around nine (9) Foundation Priorities. Incoming requests that are in alignment with those priorities will be considered.

      While we recognize the value of the broad range of work being done by organizations in the non-profit sector, the McCune Charitable Foundation is not currently awarding grants for the following:

      • Direct donations or grants to individuals

      • Direct grants to for-profit institutions

      • Projects in the area of health addressing and/or providing medical research related to particular diseases or conditions

      • Projects that serve religious purposes

      • Grants to political campaigns, to support political activities or to lobby for or against particular pieces of legislation

      • Grants for organizations "in crisis" or for debt repayment

      • Establishment of endowed Chairs or other permanent academic posts

      • Adoption services or support

      • Ongoing operating support for well-established charter schools

      • Film projects

      • Parochial and private schools

      • Indirect costs for Institutions of Higher Education

      Resources for Determining Eligibility


      If you need assistance, please call the McCune Offices at 505.983.8300.

      Decorative Element

      Types of Grants

      The Foundation awards:

      • General Operating Support Grants (Annual Open Application Cycle, generally mid-August to mid-September)
        • Starting in 2024, the Foundation will begin phasing in multi-year grants in the Focus Grant category.  Please see the link below for the webinar announcing this update to the Foundation's grant making, and click here if you'd like to view the slides from that presentation.
      • Discretionary Grants (on a rolling basis during the calendar year)

      You can get more information about General Operating Support Grants by scrolling up to Resources for Determining Eligibility in the Eligibility Guide section of this page. Here, you can download the “McCune Foundation's Grantmaking Overview.”

      For information about Discretionary Grants, click on the FAQ box above the Eligibility Guide section of this page. Then click on “How can I apply for a discretionary grant?”

      Decorative Element

      Foundation Priorities

      While the mandate described by the Mission of the Foundation is broad, the Board of Directors has adopted certain Priorities to focus resource allocation. Priorities are based on 1) a real ability to influence positive change in the near term and 2) the probability that change in these specific areas will lead to broader systems change in the longer term. These priorities will guide decisions in grant making and other programmatic activities.

      Capacity Building in the Non-Profit Sector

      The McCune Foundation supports initiatives that build operational capacities for non-profits, making expertise in communications, finance, leadership development, organizational development and other areas more broadly available in service of a more structurally equitable and resilient sector.

      Click here for more information on this priority area

      Economic Development & Family Asset Building

      A Foundation priority is to create and expand the economic base in New Mexico and to view its grant making through an economic development lens whenever possible, in particular supporting programs and organizations that seek to foster entrepreneurship across sectors. The Foundation also supports programs and initiatives that support and help drive growth in family assets across the diverse communities of the state, enabling a broader base of economic stability for our families.

      Click here for more information on this priority area

      Education Transformation

      The McCune Charitable Foundation holds equity as a core value, and sees equitable access to engaging and culturally relevant education as a key component of thriving, prosperous communities.  New Mexico is blessed to be home to diverse cultures, languages, and traditions that make learning and growing up here in the 21st century an experience that is uniquely rooted in place and community.  This is an asset that was unfortunately ignored by 20th century models of education, but is beginning to be recognized now.

      Click here for more information on this priority area

      Leveraging Opportunities in Health Care

      After many generations in relationship with the land, vegetation and elements in New Mexico, communities have developed ways to sustain physical and mental health and wellness that often involve uses of medicinal plants, traditional practices and community support. Many of these traditions have endured and been adapted to contemporary contexts as alternatives and complements to modern approaches. Introduction of newer, less healthy diets and practices have taken a toll, however, with many New Mexicans facing challenges that traditional modalities sometimes cannot address.

      Click here for more information on this priority area

      Local Food Industry Development

      Far too often, existing food systems (referring to all the processes, infrastructure and activities related to feeding a community) in the state of New Mexico contribute to poor nutritional outcomes for individuals and families, especially those considered low income. Not only does New Mexico have among the highest obesity and diabetes rates in the nation as a result of these significant shortcomings, the systems in question also contribute little to the state economy, with as much as 80 percent of all money spent on food and nutrition leaving the state, according to the  New Mexico State University Extension Service.

      Click here for more information on this priority area

      Building Links Between Arts and Community Engagement

      The arts play a significant role in the culture and history of New Mexico and contribute substantially to the state’s economic and civic livelihoods. The McCune Foundation supports efforts that seek to leverage arts, creative expression, and culturally relevant, transformative experiences for the purpose of inspiring and driving higher levels of community and civic engagement.

      Click here for more information on this priority area

      Stewardship in Community

      As we face growing disruption due to climate change, it is our frontline communities–those who experience the "first and worst" of the consequences of climate change–that will be the primary focus of the Foundation's support. Frontline communities include tribal and rural communities, and in urban areas, lower and middle income families and communities of color living in areas that have been negatively impacted by poor infrastructure and industrial practices.

      Click here for more information on this priority area

      Influencing Planning of Built Environments

      Well-conceived built environments provide a key platform for many functions of family and civic life and are fundamentally connected to many factors that contribute to community health. These functions include economic development and higher levels of community and civic engagement, among others. The Foundation supports the development of built environments across the state that seek to take advantage of the role these environments can play to move New Mexican families toward a more prosperous and healthy future.

      Click here for more information on this priority area

      Strategies for Rural Development

      New Mexico is the fifth largest state in the nation in terms of land area and, somewhat conversely, it is the 36th most populous state. This means that New Mexico is largely rural, with 26 out of 33 counties considered “frontier counties” (six or fewer people per square mile).  While a majority of the population in the state lives in four urban areas (Albuquerque, Las Cruces, Rio Rancho and Santa Fe), New Mexico maintains a significant population base that honors its rural roots. Among many New Mexico communities, a rural way of life supports a fundamental cultural connection with the landscape of the state and to the values that many families honor and maintain.

      Click here for more information on this priority area

      For more information:

      The McCune Foundation Strategic Plan is available for download here:

      The McCune Foundation Strategic Plan
      Download the McCune Charitable Foundation Strategic Plan

      Decorative Landscape


      Grantseekers FAQ

      The McCune Charitable Foundation accepts online applications for community-based projects in the state of New Mexico related to our nine Foundation Priorities. The Foundation makes grants for general operating expenses to qualified 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations, federally-recognized Native American tribes, public schools, and governmental agencies. No grants are made to individuals.

      Decorative Element


      Strategic Plan

      McCune Foundation Strategic Plan
      McCune Foundation Strategic Plan provides the grantee community and other funders with a clearer understanding of our priorities as a foundation.

      More Information on the Foundation’s Grantmaking

      More Information on the Foundation’s Grantmaking