109 Gold Ave. SW, Albuquerque, NM
Cafe Hours: 7-2 weekdays
The McCune Charitable Foundation accepts online applications for community-based projects in the State of New Mexico related to our nine Foundation Priorities. Grants can be awarded to qualified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations, federally-recognized Indian tribes, public schools, and governmental agencies. Grants cannot be made to individuals.
What We Do Not Fund:
The McCune Charitable Foundation is currently funding a portfolio of work structured around nine (9) Foundation Priorities. Incoming requests that are in alignment with those priorities will be considered.
While we recognize the value of the broad range of work being done by organizations in the non-profit sector, the McCune Charitable Foundation is not currently awarding grants for the following:
Direct donations or grants to individuals
Direct grants to for-profit institutions
Projects in the area of health addressing and/or providing medical research related to particular diseases or conditions
Projects that exclusively serve religious purposes
Grants to political campaigns, to support political activities or to lobby for or against particular pieces of legislation
Programs related to domestic animals
Grants for organizations "in crisis" or for debt repayment
Development positions within individual organizations
Projects that should primarily be funded by local, state or federal government
Establishment of endowed Chairs or other permanent academic posts
Capacity building for individual organizations
Search and rescue operations
Historical preservation efforts
Community and school teaching gardens
Adoption services or support
Therapeutic programs
Ongoing operating support for well-established charter schools
Film projects
Arts councils
Parochial and private schools
McCune Charitable Foundation Leverage Point Overview for Grantseekers
Download the McCune Foundation's Grantmaking Overview
Download the Lead Grant Eligibility and Letter of Intent Instructions for the 2021 Funding Cycle
Download the McCune Charitable Foundation's Strategic Plan
Download the McCune Charitable Foundation's Priorities Framework
The resources in this section are provided to help familiarize you with regard to the Foundation’s application process. The worksheets help you understand what information the Foundation requests.
Please Note: Our online application process for 2020 funding closed September 13, 2019, at 5:00 pm (Mountain Time).
2020 Worksheet for Cultivate Grant Category (No Fiscal Sponsor)
2020 Worksheet for Cultivate Grant Category (Using a Fiscal Sponsor)
2020 Worksheet for Focus Grant Category (No Fiscal Sponsor)
2020 Worksheet for Focus Grant Category (Using a Fiscal Sponsor)
Download the McCune Grant Application Troubleshooting Guide – This guide provides helpful tips about working in our online system.
Online Application Account – If you have submitted an application and you want to see a prior year application, you can log in to your account by clicking this link.
If you need assistance, please call the McCune Offices at 505.983.8300.
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While the mandate described by the Mission of the Foundation is broad, the Board of Directors has adopted certain Priorities to focus resource allocation. Priorities are based on 1) a real ability to influence positive change in the near term and 2) the probability that change in these specific areas will lead to broader system change in the longer term. These priorities will guide decisions in grant making and other programmatic activities.
Scarce philanthropic and other resources in New Mexico contribute to a challenging environment for the state’s non-profit sector. The Foundation supports initiatives that build operational capacities for the sector, developing expertise in communications, finance, leadership, organizational development and other areas.
A Foundation priority is to create and expand the economic base in New Mexico and to view its grant making through an economic development lens whenever possible, in particular supporting programs and organizations that seek to foster entrepreneurship across sectors. The Foundation also supports programs and initiatives that support and help drive growth in family assets across the diverse communities of the state, enabling a broader base of economic stability for our families.
With among the poorest- performing schools in the nation, New Mexico needs innovation in its education sector. The Foundation has identified a) school leadership development, b) supporting and scaling locally designed approaches, c) multilingual educational opportunities, and d) a more robust reform infrastructure as key leverage points in transforming education in the long term. The Foundation also recognizes the wide body of research that confirms that interventions in the first 4-5 years of a child’s life present the most dramatic opportunity for influencing later success. The Foundation supports programs and organizations that advocate for policy reforms, provide direct interventions, and build statewide investments in early childhood education and development.
The recent passage and on-going implementation of the Affordable Care Act introduces meaningful changes to the health care environment nationwide. Because of New Mexico’s socioeconomic circumstances, the people of the state are positioned to benefit significantly from some of these changes. Two key barriers to these opportunities being realized are a) lack of education about the availability of these opportunities and b) lack of health care practitioners to meet the growing needs. To take advantage of this structural opportunity to improve the health of New Mexicans, the Foundation supports programs and groups seeking to mitigate these barriers.
The dynamics of the existing food system in New Mexico produce poor outcomes for the people of the state. In particular, the system yields poor nutritional outcomes, especially for low-income communities (producing among the highest rates of obesity and diabetes in the nation) and it contributes little to the state economy (as much as 80% of all money spent on food and nutrition leaves the state). The Foundation supports development of market-based alternatives that produce better health outcomes and contribute more directly to New Mexico’s economic well-being.
The arts have traditionally played a significant role in the culture and history of New Mexico and continue to contribute substantially to the state’s economy and civic life. The Foundation supports efforts to build and diversify audiences for arts and culture, particularly programs and organizations that seek to leverage arts, creative expression and aesthetic experiences for the purpose of inspiring and driving higher levels of community and civic engagement.
As a primarily arid state and one in which meaningful portions of revenue are derived from outdoor and adventure tourism, New Mexico relies heavily upon its natural resources to support its economy and quality of life. Key natural resources (including water, air, wildlife, pristine landscapes and well- managed rangeland, among others) should be protected, managed and utilized in ways that support their viability in perpetuity. The Foundation supports organizations and initiatives focused on these objectives.
Built environment” refers to the human-made surroundings that provide the setting for human activity, ranging in scale from buildings and parks or green space to neighborhoods and cities that can often include their supporting infrastructure, such as water supply, or energy networks. The Foundation has made meaningful investments in the development of downtown Albuquerque and continues to support the development of built environments across the state. The Foundation will continue to view such developments as critical, supporting strategies that encourage energy efficiency, build civic engagement and support economic development.
New Mexico is the 5th largest state in the nation from an area perspective and has the 36thlargest population, making it a largely rural state with 26 out of 33 counties designated “frontier counties” with six or fewer people per square mile. Strategies and approaches that work in the state’s urban areas often fail in other parts of the state. The Foundation supports strategies and approaches that drive effective economic development, educational advancements and other initiatives benefiting rural areas.
The McCune Foundation Strategic Plan is available for download here:
McCune Foundation Strategic Plan
McCune Foundation Strategic Plan provides the grantee community and other funders with a clearer understanding of our priorities as a foundation.
New Mexico Collaborative Zone Grant Webinar, Spring 2018:
May, 2018
A webinar designed to discuss updates and the launch of the New Mexico Collaborative Zone Grant.
McCune Charitable Foundation's Summer Webinar
June, 2017
A webinar designed to discuss updates to the Foundation's strategic plan and upcoming application cycles.
McCune Charitable Foundation's Fall Webinar
October, 2016
A webinar designed to discuss collective responses from grantee workshops held in June 2016
Click to access the Strategic Plan Webinar
September, 2014
This webinar provides the grantee community and other funders with a clearer understanding of McCune’s priorities as a foundation.
Grantee Workshops Evaluation Summary
September, 2016
A summary of findings from 5 workshops in June 2016 held to better understand if and how grantee organizations see themselves as interconnected change agents within the system of nonprofits in New Mexico.
Building on the Past, Facing the Future: Renewing the Creative Economy
August, 2014
A commissioned report by The New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs
Now's The Time: How the Housing Crisis Has Created An Unprecedented Opportunity for Working Families to Achieve Financial Security
April, 2012
A study by Homewise, Inc. with the support of The McCune Charitable Foundation